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8 clic(s)
SQL Injection Cheat Sheet
Ferruh mavituna' n?n güvenlik, ?nternet teknolojileri, yaz?l?m geli?tirme ve benzer konular üzerine yazd??? mekan

8 clic(s)
MySQL Tutorial
Mysql tutorial for beginners - learn mysql from basic to advanced convering database programming clauses command functions administration queries and usgae alon...

9 clic(s)
Howto MySQL
Installation et configuration de mysql sous debian lenny

10 clic(s)
MySQL Performance Blog
Percona's blog about mysql performance optimization and scalability, innodb, xtradb, and xtrabackup

10 clic(s)
Mysql help, mysql help forum discussing administration, sql syntax, and other mysql-related topics. mysql is an open-source relational database management syste...

13 clic(s)
PHP/MySQL Tutorial - Part 1
Learn how to use php to interact with the free mysql to make fully dynamic and database-driven sites. (free webmaster help)

13 clic(s)
MySQL Queries Optimization by Peter Zaitsev
Famous mysql expert peter zaitsev talks about a selected aspect of mysql performance optimization. peter is well known through his mysql performance