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2 membre(s)
CSS3 Minimalistic Navigation Menu | Tutorialzine
Today we are making something practical - a simple css3 animated navigation menu, which degrades gracefully and is future-proofed to work with the next generati...
3 membre(s)
SloDive - Graphics & WebDesign Blog
SloDive covers topics like web design, web development, graphic design, or anything that stimulates the creative energy inside us.
3 membre(s)
Yahoo! Developer Network Home
The Yahoo! Developer Network offers Web Services and APIs to make it easy for developers to build applications and mashups
4 membre(s)
Top 20+ MySQL Best Practices | Nettuts+
Database operations often tend to be the main bottleneck for most web applications today. it's not only the dba's (database administrators) that have to worry
4 membre(s)
Style a List with One Pixel | CSS-Tricks
A one-pixel background image can be a pretty versatile thing. with repeat-x it can be a horizontal line, repeat-y makes a vertical line, and repeat makes i
5 membre(s)
Noupe Design Blog
Noupe is a curious design blog that is always looking for new and interesting stuff on design, jquery, photoshop and more.
9 membre(s)
Le Site du Zéro, site communautaire de tutoriels gratuits pour débutants : programmation, création de sit...
Découvrez gratuitement la programmation (C, C++, PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS...), Linux, le Mapping, la modélisation 3D (Blender...), le graphisme (PhotoShop, The GI...
12 membre(s)
Business et Technologies - ZDNet.fr
ZDNet.fr, le site d'information pour les décideurs et les utilisateurs professionnels IT en France. Retrouvez l'actualité de l'internet et du marché IT, des liv...
13 membre(s)
Smashing Magazine
Smashing magazine is a weblog dedicated to web-developers and designers